Links – the underground network for everything queer and trans!
Discuss sex, the body and/or BDSM
- FTMtranstastic (youtube-channel)
- EzraButler (youtube-channel)
- WattsTheSafeword (youtube-channel)
- EvieLupine (youtube-channel)
- Sexplanations (youtube-channel)
- FTMtranstastic (youtube-channel)
- Transcending Anatomy (tumblr)
- Transformering.se (RFSL Ungdom)
- Transsammans (organization for trans)
- Darkside (community)
- Fetlife (community)
- Tanja Suhinina (queer and kinky friendly psychologist and sexologist)
- Fetischistsamtal (Discuss fetischism in person)
- The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities
- Släpp snubbar: En feministisk självhjälpsbok
- Du med flera: en guide till polyamori, relationsanarki och annan flersamhet
- The Color of Kink: Black women, BDSM, and pornography
- Undoing Gender
- Female Masculinity
- Transgender History (link to free e-book)
- Fear of a queer planet: Queer politics and social theory
- Crip Theory: Cultural signs of queerness and disability
- Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex
- Kinkypodden (about kink culture in swedish)
- Polypodden (about polyamory in swedish)
- Making Gay History (about gay and queer history in english)
- Queery (interviews with queers in english)
- Dyking Out (lesbian and queer topics in english)
- Like A Virgin (topics through a queer-trans lens in english)
- Gender Reveal (trans and non-binary topics in english)
- The T Pod (trans stories hosted by trans people in english)
- Paris is burning (1990)
- Edie and Thea: A very long engagement (2009)
- Kumu Hina (2014)
- The death and life of Martha P. Johnsson (2017)
- Disclosure (2020)
- Boylesque (2022)
- Tongues untied (1989)
- Last call at Mauds (1993)
- Bloodsisters (1995)
- Dykes, camera, action (2018)
- The stroll (2023)
- Regnbågshuset (meeting place for LGBTQIA+ with free events)
- Lesbisk Makt (lesbian orginization)
- Reclaim Pride (anti capitalist Pride Festival organizer)
- West Pride (organizer for Gothenburg Pride)
- Genusfotografen (blog about gender critical photography analysis)
- Anarchopride (queeranarchist organizing)
- The Switch (a magical-realist transgender comedy series)
- QRAB (queerrörelsens arkiv och bibliotek//queermovement archive and library)
- Queers mot kapitalism (news articles and other stuff)
Similar parties and other events
- Wish Malmö
- Wish Stockholm
- Status Queer (Queer drag, parties and other events)
- Tip The Velvet (Burlesque)
- Scandinavian Leather Men Gothenburg
- Malmö Queer Much/Soaked (Munches and parties, link to DS)
- QueerRope (Shibari events, link to DS)
- Justine & Juliette (sextoys, rope, transgear and more)
- Other Nature (feminist, queer-oriented, eco-friendly, vegan sex shop in Berlin)
- Transthetics (penile prosthetics connoisseur)
- Transbutiken (transgear, packers, chest-binders, underwear)
- VelvetVenus (alternative and queer-owned sex shop)
Movies 18+
- Crash Pad Series (feminist queer-porn)
- Jiz Lee – gender queer porn star (feminist queer-porn)
- Queer Porn TV (queer, feminist, ethical, and super slutty – watch online)
- Samuel Shanhoy – movie director (feminist queer-porn)
Our sponsors
Got any more links you wanna share? Email queerxxx@gmail.com <3