Queer as Fuck! Feministisk BDSM- & sexklubb för queers & trans The text is surrounded by purple pearls, roses, dirty pictures, trans feminist marks, a black lipstick kiss, clothes pins and safety pins

Queer as Fuck is a sober och feminist BDSM and sexparty for and by queers and transpeople.

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Hello fellow perverted queers! 💞✨
We are now opening the registration for our TWO next events!!

First up is:

🍿 QAF – Movie night 🍿

🌺 We’re gonna watch queer and/or kinky movie (not a porno) together. Social event, non-sexual. (Of course cuddling is fine!) 🌺 On a dirtiness scale between 1-5, we give this event 2 chilis 🌶️🌶️

Thursday 27/2, 18.00-21.00
Indoors in East Gothenburg, Address will be given to those who have a spot via email the day before the event.

Price: SEK 50-70
We offer vegan snacks and non-alcoholic drinks. It is of course fine to bring something of your own, as long as it is also vegan and alcohol/drug free! 🍿🥂

Sign up here
Note! Limited spots and every person must register themselves. We will send an email to those who get a spot.

And after that we are really excited for.. This: 

QAF – Fist & Play

Join us for an evening that begins with a workshop, and is followed by socializing and optional play for a few hours. Maybe try out the skills you learned in the workshop?

Thursday, March 6 at 17.00-21.00
The location is secret and will be specified after you have purchased your ticket.

There is a limited number of spots for this event.
Ticket price: SEK 200.
Discounted price: SEK 150 (on sick leave, unemployed, low-income earners).
The ticket price goes to venue rent and expenses. Any surplus goes to future parties and events!

Unfortunately, the venue is not accessible for wheelchairs or such. We do our best to find accessible venues and are happy to receive tips on such for future events!

⚧️ Workshop (more info below)
⚧️ Play/experience opportunities after the workshop
⚧️ Venue equipped with Saint Andrew cross, suspension points and other sex furniture

WORKSHOP: Fisting workshop 2.0 ”The secret handshake”
Despite the secrecy the name suggests, this workshop is designed to demystify vaginal fisting. We want to show you that fisting is a practice anyone can participate in.
Fisting is fun, it’s hot, and it feels amazing! Plus, we’ve even created a brand-new educational song with step-by-step fisting instructions, which we’ll teach you.
With some simple yet important techniques and tips, our goal is to leave participants with first-hand, hands-on (or, you know, hands-in) knowledge of how to fist your lovers/play partners – or how to guide them in fisting you.
This workshop is all about show, tell and try. It’s and intimate experience that is both educational and irresistibly sexy.
The workshop is facilitated by Kollektivet Kom & Gå, featuring a special guest and an exclusive secret theme you’ll sure to love and enjoy.
If you attended the previous fisting workshop at QAF, this session will follow a similar concept – with some extra surprises (and a spanking-new song!).
The workshop will be conducted in English or Swedish, depending on the participants’ language preferences.
You’re all very welcome!
/F, D & G

On a dirtiness scale between 1-5, we give this event 5+ chilis 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🔥🔥
But the event will of course be what we make it 💋
QAF is DIY and Do It Together, that means we all help to clean the venue after we are done.

Sign up here
Note! Limited spots and every person must register themselves. We will send an email to those who get a spot.

Upcoming events after that:

Thursday 17/4 – mASSundy Thursday Croquis (stjärttorsdagskroki) 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Saturday 10/5 – PARTY! 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🔥🔥

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Note! Keep in mind that all Queer As Fuck’s events are for queers only! Read our policy if you’re unsure if you’re welcome or not!
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Kisses & spanks //💋QAF crew

🔥Don’t forget that you can follow us on Instagram for more info and juicy content!🔥

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E-mail: queerxxx@gmail.com Fb: @queerasfck Ds: queerasfuck Ig: club_queer_as_fuck
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